Search free Broward County public records via official agencies today.
While public information is readily accessible, there are countless agencies handling various types of records and checking with each can become tiresome if you don’t know where to start.
To streamline this process, this article contains all the necessary resources to find marital status, criminal history, background check reports, arrests, mugshots, probation details, property taxes, home ownership status, and prisoner information in Broward County, Florida.
How To Check if Someone Was Arrested in a Broward County Florida (Mugshots & Reason for Arrest)
Jail and arrest records in Broward County are open to the public according to Florida’s Sunshine Law.1 The Broward County Sheriff’s Department is the main custodian for the county jail’s inmate records, excluding juvenile records.2
These records generally include:
- Inmate Number
- Full Name
- Mugshot
- Date of Arrest
- Appearance (race, sex, hair and eye color)
- Charges or Reason for Arrest
- Warrant Number(s)
- Court Case Number(s)
- Bond Information (if available)
The Broward County Sheriff hosts an Arrest Search Tool online where citizens can look up recent arrests by name.3 If the portal is unavailable, records of daily arrests from the sheriff’s office can be obtained by submitting a public records request.

Alternatively, citizens can request public arrest records via any of the methods listed below.
- Telephone: Contact the jail where the inmate may be or call the sheriff’s office at 954-764-4357.
- Mail: Send applicable forms to the following address.
Broward Sheriff’s Office
Public Records Unit
Attention: [Current Sheriff’s Name], RMLO
P.O. Box 9507
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33310
- In-person: Searchers can visit the office in person on weekdays for information on arrest logs, 8:30 AM-5 PM. Their requests will be entered into the queue and the results will be emailed to them when they are ready.
Broward Sheriff’s Office
2601 West Broward Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
How To Request Arrest Records Through Police Departments in Broward County
As mentioned, recent arrests can be found through Broward County Sheriff’s Arrest Search Tool but contacting the police department can be helpful if the arrest just occurred, or when submitting a complaint to the police department, insurance claims, researching for news stories or journalism.
For example, the Fort Lauderdale Police Department allows searchers to request arrest records by mail or in person.4 Before making a request, however, the police department suggests calling the Records Unit at 954-828-5465 to check if the needed records are available.
To mail a public records request in Fort Lauderdale, information seekers should:
- Provide as much information as they can (name, sex, appearance, place of arrest, etc.).
- Enclose the request in a self-addressed envelope.
Include a check/money order for the necessary fees – $0.15 for a single-sided copy and $0.20 for a double-sided copy. - Mail the request and fee to:
Records Unit
1300 West Broward Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
The Fort Lauderdale PD Records Unit is also open for in-person police records requests from Monday to Friday between 8 AM and 6 PM.
Searchers can request recent arrest reports and information on inmates in other city jails by following these steps:
- Google “[city name] city Broward County police” (example: “Hollywood City Police Department”).
- Find the city’s or the PD’s website beyond the sponsored results.
- Navigate to the Public Records Request page and follow the instructions to submit a request.
- If there is no online request portal, navigate to the Contact page to find the PD’s telephone number and address.
- Contact the PD for more information on the jail roster.
Concerned citizens and data enthusiasts can also find Fort Lauderdale arrest data through their site.
If an arrest occurs in a neighboring county, Broward County agencies may not provide information. However, those interested can find guidance on accessing all publicly available information on individuals in Florida. Efficient methods for accessing inmate, criminal, court, and other records are outlined in this resource.
How To Verify if Someone Is Married or Divorced in Broward County FL
Searchers can conveniently check if someone is married in Broward County or see who has finalized their divorce, either online or offline for free.
Individuals can also look up or obtain records and certificates through various county and state agencies; the process and cost of each is outlined below.
Find Online Marriage & Divorce Records in Broward County via the Clerk of Courts
The Broward County Clerk of Courts provides an online Marriage License Search Tool.5 Searchers can find out if someone is married by providing the spouses’ names, birthdates, or a range of dates between which the license was issued.

This marriage record includes:
- License Number
- Status (Married/Recorded)
- Date of Application
- Person Who Married the Couple
- Marriage Date and Place
- Names of Both Spouses
- Birthplaces & City/County of Residence for Both Spouses
Information seekers can also request marriage records by mail or in person by providing both spouses’ names and the date of marriage. These records cost $5.00 for the first copy and $3.00 for every additional copy. Fees can be made by check, money order, by mail and card in person.
Searchers can visit their local marriage courthouse or mail their requests to:
Broward County Clerk of Courts
Marriage Division
540 SE 3rd Avenue, Room #02460
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33301
Note: Keep in mind that the existence of a marriage license in Broward County public records does not mean that the couple is still married. Looking through the county’s public divorce records would confirm if they remain married.
The Clerk of Court (CoC) does not maintain a database of divorce certificates. Instead, searchers should look through case records for marriage dissolutions. However, the website does have a Free Case Search Function.6

The best way to find Broward County divorce records through this tool is to set the Court Type to “Family” and provide one of the spouses’ names. These divorce records show:
- Case Status (Ongoing/Settled/Disposed)
- Case Number
- Filing Date
- Disposition Date
- Judge’s Name
- Record of Court Hearings
Access Broward County Marital Records via the Florida Bureau of Vital Statistics
The Bureau of Vital Statistics, under the Florida Department of Health, also holds statewide Broward County marriage and divorce records from June 6, 1927 onwards.7 Individuals can contact the Clerk of Court for Broward County at 954-831-7283 for older certificates.
To obtain marriage records or certificates of divorce in Broward County, follow these steps:
Step 1: Fill out either the DH261 Application for Marriage Certificate or the DH260 Application for Dissolution of Marriage form.
If you cannot access these forms, they can also submit a written request containing the full names of both spouses (before marriage), dates of birth and marriage/dissolution, place of marriage/dissolution, and the county that issued the license (for certificates of marriage).
The requester’s full name, address, phone number, signature, and relationship to the subject of the record is also required.
Step 2: Include a check/money order for $5.00 for a single certified copy of the certificate and another $4.00 for each additional copy. If the year of marriage is unknown, a charge of $2.00 per year that requires searching (up to a maximum $50) will be applicable.
You can also pay these fees via credit/debit card if you submit the request in person. If records older than 1970 are needed on the same day as the request, a rush fee of $10.00 applies.
Step 3: Submit the completed form or request in person between 8 AM-4:30 PM at:
Florida Department of Health
Bureau of Vital Statistics
1217 N Pearl Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Otherwise, mail the request and the fees to:
Florida Bureau of Vital Statistics
P.O. Box 210
Jacksonville, FL 32231-0042
Most records newer than 1970 will be received within 3-5 business days, while older records may take longer.
Requesters also have the option to get certificates delivered to their homes through VitalChek, which is a third-party vendor sponsored by the state. This service costs $22.00, with an additional fee of $4.00 for each extra copy and $2.00 for each year of searching when the exact marriage date is unknown.
Search the Domestic Partnership Registry in Broward County Florida
Some couples may not be married but could be in an official domestic partnership. Broward County allows information seekers to look up domestic partnerships through their Official Records Search System.
Citizens can search this system by providing the date range within which the partnership was declared (no more than 174 days) or the partners’ names.8 Once a record is found, they can view the original Declaration of Domestic Partnership filed by the couple.
How Do I View Criminal History Records in Broward County?
Other than juvenile cases, the Broward County Clerk of Courts’ hosts a public index of criminal records searchable through their Case Search Tool.6
This free criminal record check shows criminal case records managed by both the county and the circuit court. You can also find civil and probate cases on the same portal.
Typical details obtained by a free criminal records check include:
- Full Name & Aliases
- Charges
- Court Date and Hearing History
- Bail Bond History
- Warrants & Arrests
- Dispositions/Judgments
- Fine Payment or Collection History
You can also obtain certified copies of Broward County criminal records through the Clerk of Courts by clicking the “Purchase Certified Documents Online” button at the top left of a record page. Each copy costs $8.00.

If searchers are unable to find out if someone has a criminal record online (including juvenile records), they can contact the Clerk of Courts:
- By telephone: 954-831-6565 (choose option 3)
- In-person: You can visit the Archives division on weekdays, 8 AM-3:30 PM.
Broward County Clerk of Courts
Archives — Central Courthouse
Judicial Complex, East Building
201 S.E. 6th St
Ft Lauderdale, Florida 33301
Floor 3, Room #03305
- Records Request: Citizens can fill out a Court Records Request Form to receive copies of public criminal records within two weeks from submission. They should email the form to [email protected]. Searchers can also fax it to 954-831-5550.
If the court case related to the criminal record is still open, searchers need to contact the relevant division where the case was filed (traffic, misdemeanor, etc.).
For local criminal records and police reports, you can contact the city’s police department (PD) or submit a public records request to the PD online. To do so:
- Google “[city name] City Broward County FL police” (example: “Hollywood City Broward County FL police”).
- Scroll past the sponsored results to the city’s or PD’s website.
- Find the Public Records Request page (it may be named “Request a Police Report” or something similar).
- Follow the instructions to submit the request form.
- If no form is available, navigate to the PD’s contact page instead.
How To Look Up Florida Criminal Records via Statewide Searches
The broadest way to access Broward County criminal records through statewide resources is through the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE)’s Criminal History Record Check Tool. Alternatively, individuals can submit a Public Records Request to the FDLE or contact them to obtain the necessary criminal records.
Some additional state resources to access Broward County arrest records and criminal history include:
- Florida Sex Offender Registry: Allows you to search for specific sex offenders or browse through all offenders in a particular area of Florida.
- Florida Department of Corrections (DOC) Offender Search: This database lets you locate state prison inmates, parolees/probationers, and fugitives.
- Florida Career Offender Registry: This online directory helps searchers find individuals who have committed multiple serious crimes.
- National Sex Offender Registry: You can use this registry to search for sex offenders across all counties.
- Federal Bureau of Prisons: The BOP is the quickest way to find current or former inmates in federal prisons anywhere in the nation.
Searchers can read this guide on finding Florida criminal records for more detailed information on looking up Broward County and Florida arrest records online for free.
How To Perform Background Screenings in Broward County
Background checks are often mandatory for employment in county or state agencies, healthcare, adoption, and other processes and jobs which involve security and interacting with vulnerable populations.
The two main types of background checks are:
Level 1: A level 1 background check focuses on local criminal history, i.e., within Broward County. It doesn’t include nationwide criminal records and may be less accurate as it relies on matching only the subject’s name and demographic information with records in the system.
Level 1 checks are typically conducted for gathering information about someone known to the searcher and other unofficial reasons. So, official processes, such as employment or housing decisions, cannot rely on them.
In Broward County, citizens can request local criminal history (within the county) from the Broward County Sheriff’s Office via:
- Online Records Request Portal: This portal allows you to submit records requests for a free arrest history online and check previous requests through the Archive.
These electronic records are available free of cost within 15 minutes, but records requiring more than 15 minutes to deliver cost $25.00 per hour of research required. Fees are payable only through checks or money orders.9 - Telephone: 954-831-8700 (weekdays, 8:30 AM – 4 PM)
- Mail: Searchers can submit a written request to the following address.
Broward County Sheriff’s Office
Public Records Unit
Attention: [Current Sheriff], RMLO
P.O. Box 9507
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33310
They can also look up someone’s criminal record on the state level using the FDLE’s SHIELD system. There are three ways to conduct this Florida public records check:
- Instant Name Based: Each search costs $25.00, which includes the processing fee and is paid using a credit/debit card. Results are sent to the searcher’s email immediately, but they are not certified.
- Demographic Search: Each search costs $24.00 and can be notarized by request. Searchers can provide demographic information for up to 10 subjects at a time, and results are mailed to them within 6-7 business days.
- ORI Search: Applicants can enter an Originating Agency Identification (ORI) during their search. This number means the search results are sent directly to the agency that provided it.
Follow this Florida background check guide for more details about the checking process and laws relating to background checks in the state.
Level 2: A Level 2 check is conducted only by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). It is a more thorough and accurate check, using a person’s fingerprints to retrieve their nationwide criminal history and employment record. The rap sheet provided by the FBI is also called an Identity History Summary.
Level 2 checks are only valid for employment and other official purposes if the request goes through the employing agency.10
You can request fingerprinting services from their local law enforcement or PD. For example, a fingerprint card in Fort Lauderdale costs $10.00 for residents ($15.00 for non-residents). Most PDs only provide electronic fingerprinting services through a valid Originating Agency Identifier (ORI) number provided by the agency which needs the background check.
To find local fingerprinting services:
- Google “[city name] city FL fingerprinting services” (example: “Fort Lauderdale city FL fingerprinting services”).
- Find the city’s or the PD’s official website.
- On the website, take note of the requirements and timings for fingerprinting.
After you have obtained a fingerprint card or have found an electronic fingerprinting service, you can successfully request an FBI background check.
How To Find Warrants in Broward County (Search Details of Anyone Wanted)
Searchers can find out if someone has a warrant in Broward County through the Case Search Tool provided by the Clerk of Courts. Alternatively, they can call the relevant division or visit the courthouse in person to obtain warrant information. Additionally, they can also consider reaching out directly to the sheriff’s office to verify if someone has a warrant.
However, looking through Broward County public records for warrants may be inconvenient, so the Statewide Warrant Search on the Florida Crime Information Centre’s Public Access System website would be a better option.11 All warrants in Florida–not just Broward County warrants–are freely available to the public (except those involving juveniles) and are managed by the FDLE.

Citizens can search for Wanted Persons by name, nickname, race, sex, date of birth, and age. A typical search for warrants will show:
- Full Name
- Mugshot
- Aliases
- Offense
- Reporting Agency
- Case and Warrant Numbers
- Date of Issue
- Appearance (race, sex, height, weight, hair and eye color)
- Identifying Features (like scars and tattoos)
- Occupation
- Last known Address (city and state)
The best method to find local (city-level) warrant information in Broward County is to contact the city’s PD.
- Google “[city name] city Broward County FL police” (example: “Fort Lauderdale city Broward County FL police”).
- After scrolling by the sponsored results, find the city’s or the PD’s official website.
- Navigate to the Contact page for their phone number, address, etc.
How To Determine Someone’s Probation Status in Broward County FL
The Broward County Clerk allows you to search public case records through its Case Search Tool. These records generally provide a history of court hearings where someone can determine if the convicted person is now on probation.
Since this method of searching public records in the county can be time-consuming, you can also directly contact the Misdemeanor Probation Division of the Broward County Sheriff’s Office to see who is on probation for misdemeanors. To contact them:
- Call: 954-765-8900. You can also call the number for the appropriate division if they know which one it is.
- Visit in person: You can visit any of the Probation Division offices, but the main office would be most helpful:
Broward County Sheriff’s Office
Probation Division
540 S.E. 3rd Avenue, Floor 1
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
You can also contact their local PD for probation information within their city by following these steps:
- Google “[city name] city Broward County FL police” (example: “Fort Lauderdale city Broward County FL police”).
- Find the city’s or PD’s official website.
- Go to the Contact page to find their phone number, email, physical address, etc.
However, for a statewide search, the Florida Department of Corrections’ Supervised Population Information Search can also be an option. This search allows you to access information about individuals currently on probation, parole, or other forms of community supervision throughout the state of Florida.
Note: The Florida DOC website only provides information related to state-level probation. If the individual is on county probation, searchers may need to contact the specific county’s probation department directly.
How To Access Court Records in Broward County
Florida’s court structure consists of 4 tiers of courts that handle cases under their different jurisdictions. These tiers are divided into district, circuit, and county courts.12
Broward County is the only county that comprises the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit of Florida.13 The Broward County Clerk of Court is also the CoC for the circuit court. These courts fall under the Fourth Judicial District, which handles appeals from lower courts.

Depending on the court, Broward County judicial records can be accessed in 2 different ways:
- Broward County and Circuit Court: The Case Search Function on the County Clerk’s website allows users to search for Broward County court records from both the county and the circuit court. Individuals can perform a Broward County case search by entering the party/business name, case number, or citation number.
You can request any records not available online by making a records request online or contacting the clerk’s office.
Broward County Clerk’s Office
201 S.E. 6th St.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Phone: 954-831-6565
- Fourth District Court of Appeals: The Florida State Courts website makes a public records repository of appellate cases across all courts of appeal available to anyone online. The search function allows you to search for appellate cases by case number, party/attorney name, originating county (or lower tribunal), date filed, and cases filed within a certain date range.
How To View Birth, Death & Other Vital Records in Broward County Florida
Residents can access and order certified copies of birth and death records through the Broward County Department of Health (DOH). These certificates only become public after 100 years from the date of birth and 50 years from the date of death, respectively.
Only the individual to whom the birth record belongs and their parent/guardian can obtain it unless a court order permits otherwise. If the person is deceased, the birth or death record can be released to their spouse, parents, children, grandchildren, or siblings.
To obtain copies of a birth record, individuals need to provide:
- Name of the Child (before any name changes)
- Birthdate
- Place of Birth (city or county)
- Parents’ Full Names (including the mother’s maiden name)
For a record of death, the following information is required:
- Full Name of the Deceased
- Date of Death (or an approximation if the exact date is unknown)
- Funeral Home (if known)
- City of Death
Applicants should also provide their own name, signature, relationship to the subject, address, phone number, and a stamped envelope (if applying by mail).15
Follow these steps to request a birth or death record in Broward County:
- Complete the Application for a Florida Birth Record or the Application for a Florida Death Record form.
- If the requester wants someone else to receive the certificate on their behalf, they should also fill out the Affidavit to Release Birth Certificate or the Affidavit to Release Death Certificate.
- Arrange payment for the required fees:
- Certificate of Birth: Single certificates cost $13.00 and each additional copy costs another $8.00. There is another charge of $2.00 for a protective cover and $5.00 for rush orders. Rush orders are delivered in 3 business days, while regular orders take 5-10 business days. Overnight delivery via USPS requires another $17.00.
- Certificate of Death: Single certificates cost $9.00, with another $9.00 for each additional copy. The costs for protective covers and rush orders are the same as above.
- Visit the Broward County DOH in-person to pay using a credit/debit card, money order, or check. Remember to bring a valid ID, such as a passport or driver’s license.
Florida Department of Health in Broward County
Main Office
780 S.W. 24th St.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
Alternatively, mail the form, along with a copy of a valid ID and a check/money order for payment, to the above address.
Another option is to apply by phone by calling the Broward County DOH at 866-830-1906 or online via VitalChek, which will deliver the certificate to their house.
For inquiries about accessing other records, contact the Broward County DOH at 954-467-4700 or email [email protected]. Searchers can also visit any of the department’s branches within the county for more information on Broward County public records pertaining to births or deaths that occurred locally.

Another way to view death records for free is through the county government’s Records, Taxes & Treasury Division. However, these records will only provide the person’s name and record date as these certificates are publicly viewable online.
How To Look Up Broward County Property Records
The Broward County Property Appraiser’s website is the most convenient source for property records within the county. The Property Search Tool allows citizens to look for property records by name, address, or folio number.

These property records include:
- Property ID
- Photograph of the Property
- Owner’s Name
- Mailing Address
- Physical Address
- Neighborhood
- Property Use
- Year the Property was Built
- Number of Bedrooms & Bathrooms or Individual Units
- Property Value History
- Exemptions & Tax Information
- Sale History
- Recent Sales (within the same subdivision)
- Schools in the Area
Citizens can also view the property on a map and sketches of the parcel.
Like property records, Broward County public records are readily accessible once you know where to look and this resource reveals everything necessary to make online, in person and mail requests, no matter what type of record is being sought.
1Florida Legislature. (2023). Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes. Statutes & Constitution. Retrieved May 26, 2023, from <>
2Mattie Fore. (2023). What happens to my Florida juvenile record once I turn 18? | Mattie Fore Law LLC. Mattie Fore Law, LLC. Retrieved May 26, 2023, from <>
3Arrest Search | Broward County. (n.d.). Broward Sheriff’s Office. Retrieved July 14, 2023, from <>
4Fort Lauderdale PD. (2023). Police Records. Fort Lauderdale Police Department. Retrieved May 29, 2023, from <>
5Marriage License Search. (n.d.). Broward County Clerk of Courts. Retrieved July 14, 2023, from <>
6Case Search – Public. (n.d.). Broward County Clerk of Courts. Retrieved July 14, 2023, from <>
7Broward DOH. (2014, September 18). Birth and Death Certificates. Broward County Health Department. Retrieved May 26, 2023, from <>
8Broward County. (2023). Broward County Official Records. Broward County. Retrieved May 29, 2023, from <>
9Broward County Sheriff. (2023). Request a Record | Broward County. Broward Sheriff’s Office. Retrieved May 29, 2023, from <>
10FBI. (2023). Rap Sheets (Identity History Summary Checks) — FBI. FBI. Retrieved May 26, 2023, from <>
11Wanted Persons Search. (n.d.). Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Retrieved July 14, 2023, from <>
12Florida Courts. (2023, April 4). Florida Courts. Florida Courts. Retrieved May 29, 2023, from <>
13Florida Courts. (2023, April 4). Trial Courts – Circuit. Florida Courts. Retrieved May 29, 2023, from <>
14Circuit Court Map | Fourteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida. (n.d.). Fourteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida. Retrieved July 14, 2023, from <>
15Broward DOH. (2023, January 10). Birth Certificates | Florida Department of Health in Broward. Broward County Health Department. Retrieved May 29, 2023, from <>
16Broward County Official Records. (n.d.). Broward County. Retrieved July 14, 2023, from <>
17Broward County Property Appraiser. (n.d.). Broward County Property Appraiser. Retrieved July 14, 2023, from <>